Bing Bing Kute

Friday 27 May 2016

3 years 2 months: Talk about WOO quality (win others over)

We were invited to one of my colleagues' house warming party a few weeks ago. It took me by surprise when we arrived. There were probably 50 people in the house, on the deck, in the kitchen, just everywhere. Perhaps 40 of them were Indonesian as the wife was an Indonesian woman. I looked around and I knew only one person: my colleague. So as awkward as we were, Alan and I found a seat and just simply talked to nobody but ourselves. Bing Bing on the other hand was out on the deck smiling and talking to a bunch of women. I was too far away to hear anything. After about 10 minutes chitchatting she sat down among them and continued the conversations. Suddenly she ran back to our table and grabbed some crackers.

"What are you doing over there Bing Bing?"

"Oh, I'm just talking to the girls. She's got yummy crackers so I want some. Do you want some crackers Mommy?"

I shook my head and off she went back to her chair among the women and kept on chitchatting. One of them was waving and approached us:

"Is Margaret your daughter?"

"Oh yes" I replied with a smile and was wondering how the hell she knew her name.

"She's SO adorable and friendly. She said her name was Margaret. She's three years old and she asked about out names and age and how we enjoyed the food."

"She did?!" - I sounded nothing like her mum.

I looked around and saw Bing Bing already moved to the next audience. Of course 5 mins later, a man and a women holding a baby approached me and said:

"Margaret said you're her parents. She's SO cute and so friendly. She said she's got a new baby soon and he's a boy. His name is Teeda and he's in your tummy."

Needless to say, Alan and I were both laughing and being totally confused.

"She said all that?... Hoho... Yes, yes, we're having a boy in a couple of months.."

Until the end of the party, Bing Bing got acquainted with a lot more people than we did. They all loved her, her charm and cuteness of a three year old. She left the party saying goodbyes to everyone she talked to. She talked about them by names in the car on the way back. Alan and I both knew that she's got something both of us don't.


"Oh Margaret do you want to tell your mummy what you did today?" - Her teacher asked when we picked her up.

Bing Bing was too busy finishing up her late afternoon snacks so she didn't say anything.

"Kelly's eldest son came to the kindy today. Kelly introduced that his name was Jason and he's 9 years old. The first person who came up to Jason was Margaret. You know what she said? She said "do you know my name Jason?" Jason said "No sorry I don't, what's your name, baby?" "My name is Margaret, and I'm not a baby, I am three. Then others take turn and introduce themselves like Margaret did" - Her teacher told us.

Jason didn't manage to remember anybody's name but Margaret.


Our favourite closeby restaurant was Portofino - an Italian restaurant. Bing Bing loves the spaghetti bolognese dish over there. We go a couple of times a week actually. This time Bing Bing said loud and clear the first moment she walked in to our usual waitress:

"Hello there, it's very nice to see you again?" - She rushed to our usual table

Needless to say the waitress was so pleasantly surprised that the words came out of a three year old and that should have been her line.

She poured some tap water in our glasses and continued to praise Bing Bing in front of us. But before she even started, Bing Bing looked down on the ground and said:

"Oh, I like your shoes."

Yeah, all of us had the same reaction. The waitress almost burst into tears of joy and surprise. I was just thinking "@__@ how? when? since when she's been able to say such lines that just won everyone over..."

"Excuse me, I want pasta and chips please. Oh, can I have a baby folk please? I need a blue pencil too"

Yes that was all her. Since a while now we never ordered food on her behalf. She always called a waiter and ordered what she wanted, sometimes she wanted orange juice, sometimes she wanted some more napkins.. it's all her.

"Oh, thank you so much." She said when her demands were met.

"Oh my gosh, she's so cute, she's got such great manners" 

I just smiled away. Yes, she does. She's my girl and I'm a proud mother.


I don't cook any more given my excessive tiredness and backache. So Alan stepped up quite a while ago in the kitchen. I was tired and had to deal with an overloaded basket of laundry; Alan was cooking while Bing Bing asked him all the time to read her some books but Alan couldn't.

Bing Bing was a bit grumpy coming to the table because she wanted to read some books before dinner but nobody was available. After some nagging and all, Bing Bing tried her first spoon of rice and pork ribs. She stopped being grumpy and smiled:

"Thank you Daddy and Mommy for cooking for me."

Yeah, you guessed it, Alan and I were touched deep in our hearts and jumped to kiss our girl. All the tiredness and the stress disappear in a blink of an eye.


Bing Bing continues to reveal her personality and her grace and charm and caring for others were the qualities that I'm most proud of. She continues to be confident in expressing herself and her emotions. She told me before going to bed this evening that today she was upset that she lost her beautiful blue mask at school. She also said next time when she brought something to school she would keep it safe in her bag. She also said she loved Daddy, Mummy and Teeda because we were a family. She said Teeda will grow bigger and bigger to a very beautiful boy. She said she didn't want me to leave her room because she didn't want to be alone in the dark. Yes every night before bedtime she always shouted across room: "Mummy, I love you in the morning and I love you at night. I love you always and I love you forever."

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