Bing Bing Kute

Tuesday 22 March 2016

My sweet little girl is 3

I loved it when she was 1. I loved it more when she turned 2. And now she is 3 - she's turned into a sweetest baby girl in the whole world.

She'd talked about her 3rd birthday about months before her birthday. She said she'd buy lots of flowers for Mommy. She would love a birthday cake and a birthday dress. On her birthday, she got multiple nasty insect bites on her face, one nastiest bite on her left eye that made her so miserable. But that didn't stop my birthday girl to be the centre of the universe. She had one birthday party at home with our adult friends and one birthday party at school. Everyone sang her the birthday song and at night she hums that tune for so long until she fell asleep.

Winter is approaching. Bing Bing got pretty sick over the last week. She got a very sore throat and spoke in a man's voice. She got a high fever every 8 hours. She was crying when she got a temperature but she was the sweetest little one when it's gone. That ached my heart so much to see her suffering from this virus.

Bing Bing and I spent a whole day together yesterday. I could feel that both our hearts and souls were filled up with love and contentment. We read books together, we played puzzles together, we danced together, we cooked together and watched Jurassic World together. She was such a brave girl. She loved action movies, especially with those dinosaurs. She asked me about what was happening and why it happened the way it did every 3 minutes which was adorable. I answered every question she had and it was amazing how much she could understand.

She made lunch for us. Yes, she cooked carrots and broccoli, she cooked chicken wings and she used chopsticks pretty well. I was impressed by my little one throughout the day. We did a puzzle about the four seasons in a year. She saw pumpkins in autumn and said "Mommy I touched a pumpkin yesterday in the flower zoo! It was too big you can't eat it." I was thinking "What flower zoo? When did you touch a big pumpkin?" But I remembered. We went to Hamilton Garden over the weekend where I took a picture of her with 4-5 large pumpkins and I asked her to touch one of them. "Flower zoo... That's clever and funny." I thought to myself and I loved her ability to connect the dots, all the events together. That's how much a baby's brain wired up. Amazing.

Bing Bing loved Teeda. She named him the moment she got the news. She pressed her ears on my tummy and listened to Teeda kicking everyday. "Did you hear anything Bing Bing? Is he sleeping?" I asked. "No Mommy, Teeda wakes up. He kicks BUM BUM BUM like the fireworks in the sky. I hear it." Oh yes, there was a hot air balloon festival in Hamilton last weekend and we took her to see the fireworks. Again, she connected the dots.

Bing Bing often talked about how she would take care of Teeda, that she would feed him so he'd grow bigger and bigger, that she would bathe him, change him, read to him, teach him how to swim and everything that she loves doing. But she always bargained with me that she wanted a brother AND a sister. Bing Bing has a biggest heart that is full with love and understanding. She would be an amazing big sister I'm sure of it. That gives me pleasure to think about our third baby. I hoped it'd be a girl so Bing Bing had her wish.

Teeda has been kicking so so much, sometimes so hard that I jumped and screamed out. I can't wait to meet him and introduce the two of them to each other and start to see their relationship develops.


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