Bing Bing Kute

Monday 29 June 2015

Month 28: Just a Sunday afternoon

It was a fine Sunday afternoon. 3:30pm and Alan was already at his usual badminton games. I decided to watch a movie while Bing Bing was still having her afternoon nap. Then I heard the familiar noise that her bedroom door made when it was opened. By the time I opened my bedroom door, here was Bing Bing running across the corridor at lightning speed. She was too short to look over our bed through all those pillows and blankets so she had her eyes fully opened - they were as large and big as longan stones. She turned around and spoke in her clearest voice:

"Is Daddy sleeping on the bed now Mommy? Daddy is sleeping on the bed?"

"Ba đi chơi cầu lông rồi Bing ạ. Chơi cầu lông đó con biết không? Như thế này này." - I tried to explain to her with some awkward badminton imitation.

"Oh, Daddy be home soon Mommy? Daddy be home now?" - Her eyes got bigger and blacker as she tried to raise her eyebrows.

"Ba sẽ về sớm thôi, giờ có 2 mẹ con mình ở nhà thôi"

"Ba đi cầu lông... Pew pew... haha... Daddy home soon Mommy."

"That's right. You want some ice-cream?"

She was finally satisfied with that and happy went downstairs with me to have some ice-cream. She was only allowed to have ice-cream every Sunday afternoon after her lunch nap and she could eat as much as she liked.

To have some fun and to make sure that she has a safe way going down the stairs given how small she was and how short her legs are, I often went first - down the flight of stairs using not my adult legs but my bottom. She went after, she laughed every time I banged my butt on each stair but she asked "Are you alright Mommy?" every time I landed hard on my bottom. She did the same thing, we had fun and she had never fell off the stairs. Of course, at the last one, she counted "1, 2, 3 Jump!" and jumped off the last step with a big laugh.

After having so much ice-cream, she held her cheeks up and said

"So cold Mommy...".

I laughed out loud. She laughed after me and I asked

"Why are you laughing Bing Bing?".

I thought she would just ignore my difficult question (for her age) but she replied

"Bing Bing is so funny".

It was playtime. She had a wide range of choices. She picked building blocks. They were new toys I bought for her and she absolutely loved it. While I was trying to follow the instruction booklet to build a shrimp, she was already on her mission to build what she called "My Tara Tree". She built one, then two. I needed one particular yellow piece that she was using so I politely asked:

"Bing cho mẹ mượn cái này nhé." - Thought she would.

"Erm... no, I need this. Sorry Mommy" - I WAS surprised. But I was glad. When Bing Bing and her kindy friends were playing along side with one another, I used to teach Bing Bing that it was important to share toys but only after you have finished playing with that toy. It would not be a healthy friendship if one can just take things from you and say you have to share. And same thing for Bing Bing, she learned to wait for her turn to use toys.

I showed her my beautiful shrimp.

"Wow, well done Mommy. It's so cool". - Smiling as she spoke

I was surprised again. "Since when did you have such great people skills Bing Bing?". I wasn't very good at that. It was really special to see that I could even teach her something I didn't have myself.

I screamed on top of my lung. Alan appeared out of nowhere behind us without making a single sound as we were attentively watching Frozen "Let it go" song. I thought somebody broke in our house and suddenly appeared in front of us with a knife. Thankfully it was just Alan. Bing Bing heard me scream. She was surely calm, certainly calmer than her mother. She gave me a hug and said "Mommy is scared Daddy". She gave me a kiss on the lips and held my face up. For a second I felt like she was an eleven year old daughter that I could count on.

We went to the supermarket after that and that was my 2 hours with Bing Bing on a Sunday afternoon. She has grown so much since her second birthday. I now have a better idea of who Bing Bing is and who this young girl that she is capable of becoming.


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