Bing Bing Kute

Sunday 5 July 2015

Month 28: A warmest cold winter morning

I was dreaming Bing Bing calling "Mama! Mamaaa!". It was getting louder and clearer. Sh!t it wasn't a dream. Bing Bing was calling me from her bedroom. That was how a day started.

"What is it, honey? You're up? Good morning."

" Good morning, Mommy" - She grins.

I ran from my bedroom to hers without much clothes on and it was a very cold winter day.

"It's so cold Bing Bing" - I pulled her blanket up my shoulders.

"Oh, are you cold Mommy? Am I cold Mommy?" - Her facial expression was serious.

"I'm a bit cold. But I think you're hot Bing Bing. Your heater was on the whole night."

"Yes I am hot, are you hot Mommy?" - She reached her tiny hand and placed it on my forehead.

"Now that you have examined me, do you think I'm hot Bing Bing?" I smiled.

"No, you're not hot Mommy. I am hot. Is Daddy hot too?" - She pointed at the door.

"I don't think he is. Actually he might even be cold."

"Daddy is cold. Are you tired Mommy?" She asked as I yawned.

"I am not tired Bing Bing. I am still sleepy I guess." I briefly closed my eyes.

"Oh, do you want to sleep on my bed? Lay down Mommy. Lay down here." She ordered while pushing me down onto her bed.

Bing Bing covered me with her favourite blanket. She pulled it down to cover both my feet. When only my head was exposed she gave me a big warm hug and murmurs:

"Are you still cold Mommy?"

"I think I'm getting warmer. Maybe just need one kiss to feel perfect." I tempted.

She leaned on and gave me a kiss on my lips.

Suddenly she went to her nightstand and grabbed a nappy.

"Do you want me to change your nappy Mommy?" Her eyes wide opened.

"No thank you darling. I don't need a nappy because I can go to the toilet."

"Oh, you want to go to the toilet now Mommy? Okay! Come!" She opened the door and dragged me to the toilet as she spoke.

"It's too cold Mommy" - She realised that only her room was warm enough to wear a night dress that she was wearing.

"I know, let's come back in Bing Bing.". She agreed.

As I changed her nappy and outfit, she asked

" I am hungry Mommy. Di an di thoi! Di an khoai lang di thoi!"

After Bing Bing brushed her teeth and cleaned her face all by herself, we went downstairs and Alan was preparing lunchboxes. Bing Bing had her usual favourite Kumara and she sang "Let it Go" from Frozen for about 10 times.

It was one of the longest conversations that we exchanged. It was warm and full of love and care. I cherished all conversations we had because I knew she only grows up once and I only grow old once.

Much love

Your Mommy